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Fiat is a very beloved automobile manufacturer across the world. You can often get really good money for a Fiat if are looking to have your old car scrapped. But before we go into more details about why you might want to even scrap your Fiat, let’s take a brief look at the intriguing history of this trailblazing force in the world of automobiles.

Giovanni Agnelli is the man responsible for setting the wheels in motion and establishing Fiat in Turin, Italy in 1900. He formed the company and built the first factory with the help from local businessmen and investors calling the company, Italian Automobile Factory of Turin or in Italian Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino, or Fiat for short.

That first factory was a relatively modest operation and only had 150 people employed there. This didn’t stop Fiat in their tracks however, and they continued to be one of the most popular and best selling cars throughout Europe for most of the 1900s, particularly across in Italy.

They even survived the reign of Mussolini and communism and were able to develop and work on innovative technology that saw the company venture into airplanes, railways and commercial trucks

With the war out of the way, they began focusing their attention on the foreign market again and re-establishing their American operations. From that point to this very day, they are still one of the most popular manufacturers of cars among younger drivers in the US.
They are still an important force in the world of cars, not just in Europe but also here In the UK, which may make you wonder why it might be better to scrap your Fiat rather than sell it.

Well, the decision to scrap a car for money should never be made hastily. The best way to get money from your old car is always going to be selling it, as long as it a) is in good condition and roadworthy, b) could be fixed up to make it more roadworthy or c) can be used for valuable parts.

However, it is also wise to weigh up the cost, not just in terms of money, but time that you will need to spend either selling it or working on it and having It fixed up so it is ready for selling. If you have lots of free time and are determined to get a good deal for it, then that is the course you should follow.

If on the other hand, you are more interested in offloading it and getting whatever amount of money you can, more quickly and with less hassle, you may want to consider having it scrapped by a company like Rhino Car Scraps.

Because of the way things were in the past, it is somewhat justifiable for you to feel sceptical about scrapyards. You should know though, that things are very different these days. Gone is the need to travel to the outskirts of the city to find a scrapyard and gone too are the days when you need to barter with unscrupulous scrapyard owners who are looking to take your car off your hands for as little money as possible.

Rhino Car Scraps and many other companies like it are legitimate businesses who are fully authorised to operate as recycling plants for scrapping cars. You will never be offer a cash sum of money and you don’t actually have to make a trip to the scrapyard, in most situations as everything can more or less be handled online. They will even come to the location of your choice to collect your car.

Although you may not get quite as much money as you initially thought you would, this is a hassle-free approach that will save you some time, take your burdensome car away from you and get you some money in the process.