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What do you think of when you hear the name Bavarian Motor Works? Let’s shorten that right down, how about if we say BMW? It is likely you have images in your mind of fast luxury cars, with comfortable and sophisticated interiors.

BMW was founded by Camillo Castiglioni, Karl Rapp and Josef Popp, on March 1916. The headquarters of the company is based in Munich and it is the parent company of Rolls-Royce, so owns and manufactures Minis too.

If you have a BMW, you probably have for many years seen it as your pride and joy. They are often seen as a status symbol – sign that you have made it in the world. This can make it even more difficult to say goodbye. However, even an expensive and great investment like a BMW has an expiration date. Obviously, if you have a vehicle that you have put a lot of time, effort and even money into maintaining and running over the years, you will not make a rash decision about what to do with it when it has seen better days.

There are various options out there, of course. You need to weigh up these options and figure out which is the best for you. Selling is usually the first option people look at. This is obviously the best way to earn the most amount of money for your old BMW. However, just how old is your BMW though? Is it in bad condition or does it still look as good as new?

Cars are one thing that depreciate in value very quickly. In fact, the moment you drive a brand new car out of a dealership, it loses its value considerably. So you have to take that into consideration too. The car that may have been very expensive to purchase when you first got it, could be worth considerably less now.

You may reason that with a little bit of work, the car could sell for a reasonable amount of money. It may never be quite as much as you would have liked, but something at the very least. However, that involves a lot of hassle and taking your car to a garage…deciding whether you are going to hire someone or not to carry out the repairs or whether you are going to try and undertake the work on your own.

If you are looking for a quick sale because you need the extra funds for something, selling might not actually be a particularly viable option. Another aspect of selling your car that might put you off, is having to navigate through the used car market. BMWs are popular and are likely to attract a lot of attention. However, you are likely to come across numerous time-wasters and you may also have to deal with people trying to barter your price down or otherwise trying to rip you off.

One alternative option is to scrap your BMW. You may feel as if that is rather excessive. However, if your BMW is in really bad condition and you can’t find anyone who is interested in restoring it or using it; scrapping it might be the only way you can secure some money.

With Rhino Car Scraps, they will come and collect your car, take it to a certified scrap centre and dispose of the car appropriately and then you will receive a payment straight into your account. If you are worried about stories you may have heard in the past, don’t be. They are only as good as their reputation and take it very seriously.